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Video Marketing KPIs.

In the US, Ä¢¹½AV expects that Video ad spending will reach $76 billion in 2022, representing over half of the display advertising spend and nearly one-third of overall digital advertising spend. Digital video advertising has been on a steady upward trajectory thanks to the proliferation of streaming services and premium video platforms. CTV advertising spend alone nearly tripled in the past three years to reach roughly $19 billion in advertiser spend, a trend that has created an entirely new ecosystem of performance optimaization. Key performance indicators are needed to help advertisers navigate the ever-changing TV landscape which has evolved to include all aspects of digital from programmatic advertising to viewing in mobile apps.


Why These KPIs Matter

The video advertising mix is changing with digital elements increasingly making their way into the converged TV viewing reality. The rising prominence of CTV and premium video streaming continue to be a catalysts of growth and accelerate shifts in viewing and the availability of advanced and interactive ad formats, making the need for optimization even more critical.

List of Available Search Marketing KPIs
MetricKPI SourceData slicesCadenceGeography
CTRInnovidby display ad format, device and video ad durationAnnualWorldwide
CTR Lift Generated by DCO for Display AdsInnovidby deviceAnnualWorldwide
CTV GrowthInnovidby publisher typeAnnualWorldwide
EngagementInnovidby video ad format and deviceAnnualWorldwide
Global Display ImpressionsInnovidby deviceAnnualWorldwide
Impression GrowthInnovidby video ad durationAnnualWorldwide
Overall Video GrowthInnovidby publisher typeAnnualWorldwide
Programmatic CTV Impression ShareInnovidby verticalAnnualWorldwide
Video Completion Rate VCRInnovidby video ad durationAnnualWorldwide
Video Impression DistributionInnovidby device and regionAnnualWorldwide
Video Impression ShareInnovidby deviceAnnualWorldwide
Video Impression Share GrowthDoubleVerifyby deviceAnnualWorldwide
Visibility on connected TV (CTV)DoubleVerifyNo breakoutsAnnualWorldwide, by country/region
Video viewable rate YoY growthDoubleVerifyby publisher typeAnnualWorldwide, by country/region
Video viewable rate YoY growthDoubleVerifyby industryAnnualWorldwide, by country/region
Video viewable rate YoY growthDoubleVerifyby deviceAnnualWorldwide, by country/region
Video viewable rateDoubleVerifyby publisher type, industry, device and by region and countryAnnualWorldwide, by country/region
Video viewable rate YoY growthDoubleVerifyby region and countryAnnualWorldwide, by country/region
Video Completion RateDoubleVerifyby device and quartileAnnualWorldwide, by country/region
Video audible rateDoubleVerifyby device and quartileAnnualWorldwide, by country/region
Share of Video ImpressionsDoubleVerifyby device and regionAnnualWorldwide, by country/region
Share of fraud/SIVT violation rateDoubleVerifyby device and type, and region and countryAnnualWorldwide, by country/region
Programmatic block rateDoubleVerifyNo breakoutsAnnualWorldwide, by country/region
Display viewable rateDoubleVerifyby region and countryAnnualWorldwide, by country/region
Display viewable rate YoY growthDoubleVerifyby region and countryAnnualWorldwide, by country/region
Brand suitability violation rate YoY growthDoubleVerifyby region and countryAnnualWorldwide, by country/region
Authentic rate YoY growthDoubleVerifyby format, region and countryAnnualWorldwide, by country/region
Authentic rateDoubleVerifyby format, region and countryAnnualWorldwide, by country/region
Keyword vs inappropriate content share of brand suitability violationsDoubleVerifyNo breakoutsAnnualWorldwide, by country/region
Fraud/SIVT rate growthDoubleVerifyby publisher type, device, industry, and by region and countryAnnualWorldwide, by country/region
Fraud/SIVT rate on mobile app videoDoubleVerifyNo breakoutsAnnualWorldwide, by country/region
Fraud/SIVT violation rate display and video YoY growthDoubleVerifyby deviceAnnualWorldwide, by country/region
Fraud/SIVT violation rate display and videoDoubleVerifyby deviceAnnualWorldwide, by country/region
Fraud/SIVT violation rateDoubleVerifyby publisher type, industry and by regionAnnualWorldwide, by country/region
Fraud/SIVT violation rate growthDoubleVerifyby industryAnnualWorldwide, by country/region
Display time in view in seconds YoY GrowthDoubleVerifyby deviceAnnualWorldwide, by country/region
Display time in view in secondsDoubleVerifyby deviceAnnualWorldwide, by country/region
Brand suitability violation rate YoY growthDoubleVerifyby publisher type, industry, region and countryAnnualWorldwide, by country/region
Brand suitability violation rateDoubleVerifyby publisher type, industry, region and countryAnnualWorldwide, by country/region
Brand suitability incident rate YoY growthDoubleVerifyby region and deviceAnnualWorldwide, by country/region
Brand suitability block rate YoY growthDoubleVerifyby region and by deviceAnnualWorldwide, by country/region
Authentic rate YoY growthDoubleVerifyby industry and formatAnnualWorldwide, by country/region
Audible and in view on completion rateFreeWheelby device and regionAnnualWorldwide, by country/region
Share of ad viewsFreeWheelby distribution platformSemiannualUS
Programmatic ad view YoY growthFreeWheelNo breakoutsSemiannualUS
Content compositionFreeWheelby formatSemiannualUS
Audience targeted campaign YoY growthFreeWheelNo breakoutsSemiannualUS
Audience targeted campaigns FreeWheelNo breakoutsSemiannualUS
Ad viewsFreeWheelby transaction typeSemiannualUS
Ad view growthFreeWheelby transaction typeSemiannualUS
Ad view compositionExtreme Reachby vertical, device and by CTV deviceSemiannualUS
Average time spent in seconds by ad lengthExtreme Reachby ad lengthQuarterlyWorldwide
Average video completion rateExtreme ReachNo breakoutsQuarterlyWorldwide
Average time spent in seconds by ad lengthExtreme Reachby media typeQuarterlyWorldwide
Video ad impressionsExtreme Reachby ad lengthQuarterlyWorldwide
Video ad impressionsExtreme Reachby device and media typeQuarterlyWorldwide
Video completion rateExtreme Reachby ad length, device and media typeQuarterlyWorldwide
Ad-supported video-on-demand (AVOD) CPMÄ¢¹½AVBy industryAnnualUS
Ad-supported video-on-demand (AVOD) CPMÄ¢¹½AVBy platformQuarterlyUS
Ad-supported video-on-demand (AVOD) CPM growthÄ¢¹½AVBy platformQuarterlyUS
Ad-supported video-on-demand (AVOD) impressionsÄ¢¹½AVBy platformQuarterlyUS
Ad-supported video-on-demand (AVOD) impression growthÄ¢¹½AVBy platformQuarterlyUS
YouTube CPMÄ¢¹½AVOverallQuarterlyUS
YouTube impressionsÄ¢¹½AVOverallQuarterlyUS
TikTok average monthly upload growthTubular LabsBy video durationAnnualUS
TikTok average monthly views growthTubular LabsBy video durationAnnualUS
YouTube Shorts uploadsTubular LabsBy verticalAnnualUS
YouTube Shorts average views per videoTubular LabsBy verticalAnnualUS
YouTube median weekly upload shareTubular LabsBy type, by verticalAnnualUS
CTV average engagement per impressionBrightLineOverallQuarterlyUS
CTV average earned timeBrightLineOverallQuarterlyUS
CTV average selection rateBrightLineOverallQuarterlyUS
TV Ad ImpressionsSamba TVBy age, by industry, and by household incomeMonthlyUS
TV Ad ReachSamba TVBy age, by industry, and by household incomeMonthlyUS
TV Ad FrequencySamba TVBy age, by industry, and by household incomeMonthlyUS
YouTube Paid View RatePixabilityBy IndustryQuarterlyWorldwide
YouTube Paid CTRPixabilityBy IndustryQuarterlyWorldwide
YouTube Paid Conversion RatePixabilityBy IndustryQuarterlyWorldwide
YouTube Organic Engagement RatePixabilityBy Video Length, by Country and by Video TypeQuarterlyArgentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Great Britain, India, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, Saudia Arabia, Spain, US
YouTube Organic Share of Video ViewsPixabilityBy Video Length and by CountryQuarterlyArgentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Great Britain, India, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, Saudia Arabia, Spain, US
YouTube Organic Share of Video LikesPixabilityBy Video Length and by CountryQuarterlyArgentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Great Britain, India, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, Saudia Arabia, Spain, US
YouTube Organic Share of Video DislikesPixabilityBy Video Length and by CountryQuarterlyArgentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Great Britain, India, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, Saudia Arabia, Spain, US
YouTube Organic Share of Video CommentsPixabilityBy Video Length and by CountryQuarterlyArgentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Great Britain, India, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, Saudia Arabia, Spain, US
YouTube Organic FavorabilityPixabilityBy Video Length and by CountryQuarterlyArgentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Great Britain, India, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, Saudia Arabia, Spain, US
YouTube Organic Share of Video EngagementsPixabilityBy Video Length and by CountryQuarterlyArgentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Great Britain, India, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, Saudia Arabia, Spain, US
YouTube Organic Share of Video ViewsPixabilityBy Video Length and by CountryQuarterlyArgentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Great Britain, India, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, Saudia Arabia, Spain, US

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Ä¢¹½AV Industry KPIs