Source Profile: Adelaide.
Adelaide provides advertisers with a unified platform that specializes in attention metrics for digital media. Its AU score is made available to marketers as a composite omnichannel attention metric, which enhances media quality transparency. Adelaide’s AU score allows advertisers to make apples-to-apples comparisons across channels, formats, and devices. Advertisers can also use Adelaide’s suite of attention metrics to measure campaign health, analyze granular performance data, and optimize traffic allocation for higher-quality inventory.
Adelaide is a data and analytics company focused on media quality. The company has a distinctive focus on attention measurement, primarily offered through its innovative AU metric, which predicts attention to advertising and subsequent outcomes. Setting an industry benchmark, AU stands out as a pioneering omnichannel metric, emphasizing transparency in media quality. This unique metric empowers advertisers by providing the capability to make direct and accurate quality comparisons across a spectrum of channels, formats, and devices. Its functionality extends to facilitating precise measurements of campaign health and trends in media quality, ensuring a nuanced understanding of performance.
We value Adelaide’s comprehensive insights into media quality data. By analyzing channel, partner, domain, and placement data, it’s able to give marketers a detailed perspective and help them identify strategic opportunities to reallocate campaign traffic. Optimizing with AU, marketers can reduce waste from low-quality media and drive better advertising outcomes through the funnel, from brand awareness to sales. Adelaide’s integrations with programmatic partners play a crucial role in supporting marketers, aiding them in focusing their investments on media that delivers efficient attention and increased performance at scale.
Methodology Behind the KPIs
Adelaide’s data is based on the analysis of more than 11 million monthly placements (representing over 173 billion impressions) across more than 1000 global campaigns. An average of 380,000 domains a month and 18 industries were measured as part of this analysis. Data was collected and analyzed quarterly by processing any exposure data that describes a placement, generating as precise a rating as possible based on the granularity of the data supplied. Adelaide’s AU models are routinely trained using outcome data, including but not limited to, upper-funnel awareness and purchase data for reliably predictive outcomes through the funnel and across campaigns.
KPIs in the Portal
Category | KPI | KPI Definition |
Display/Programmatic | AU Attention Metric | The likelihood of an ad placement to effectively capture attention and generate impactful outcomes. |
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