Source Profile: Contentsquare.
Contentsquare is a web analytics company, focused on working with retailers in desktop and mobile environments.
We value Contentsquare’s rich offering of metrics, which include widely reported metrics (conversion rate and bounce rate, for example), as well as some rarely reported benchmarks, such as Content unseen rate.
Methodology Behind the KPIs
Contentsquare analyzed data from more than 900 global brands (principally retailers and brands) during 2020, studying interactions on desktop, mobile, tablet, and mobile apps. Its client base is significant, including both small and large brands.
KPIs in the Portal
Category | KPI | KPI Definition |
Ecommerce KPIs | Acquisition sources | The share of visits to retail sites by acquisition source (social, email, search, direct-to-site, etc.) |
Ecommerce KPIs | Bounce rate | The percent of site visits that that are abandoned after one pageview |
Ecommerce KPIs | Content unseen rate | The percent of pages that are unseen by at least 95%of site visitors |
Ecommerce KPIs | Conversion rate | The percent of visits that end with a purchase |
Ecommerce KPIs | Pageviews per session | The average number of pages viewed per session |
Ecommerce KPIs | Traffic share by device | Percent of visits to the site, by desktop, mobile, and tablet |
Ecommerce KPIs | Sessions before conversion | The average number of sessions that occur on retail websites before a purchase is made (only among those who purchase) |
B2B Marketing KPIs | Scroll rate (B2B) | The percent of the page visitors have scrolled through. This is broken down by B2B sector. This data is available for Q4 2021 and Q4 2022. |
B2B Marketing KPIs | New traffic share | The percent of visitors to a website or digital platform who are visiting for the first time. This is broken down by device and B2B sector. This data is available for Q4 2021 and Q4 2022. |
B2B Marketing KPIs | Time spent per page (B2B) | The average amount of time (minutes) that visitors spend viewing a specific page during a single session. This is broken down by B2B sector. This data is available for Q4 2021 and Q4 2022. |
B2B Marketing KPIs | Time spent per session (B2B) | The average amount of time (minutes) that visitors spend engaging with your website or digital platform during a single visit or browsing session. This is broken down by B2B sector. This data is available for Q4 2021 and Q4 2022. |
B2B Marketing KPIs | New and returning customers | The distribution of two segments of website or platform visitors, new visitors and past visitors returning within tracking period. This is broken down by B2B sector. This data is available for Q4 2021 and Q4 2022. |
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