Source Profile: Place Exchange.
Place Exchange is a sell-side ad platform that brings programmatic advertising to the out-of-home (OOH) ad space (billboards, elevators, buses, etc.). OOH publishers partner with Place Exchange to enable programmatic delivery of their inventory, while advertisers access Place Exchange inventory via integrated DSPs to buy OOH ads using the same workflows as their other programmatic channels.
We like Place Exchange’s contribution of OOH programmable ad data, a domain that had until recently defied easy quantification.
Methodology Behind the KPIs
Place Exchange created an aggregate analysis across its platform, based on billions of OOH ad impressions biannually.
KPIs in the Portal
Category | KPI | KPI Definition |
Display and Programmatic Advertising KPIs | Out-of-home programmatic ad CPM | Average cost per thousand OOH ad impressions broken down by OOH venue type (transit, outdoor, etc.) |
Display and Programmatic Advertising KPIs | Out-of-home programmatic spend distribution | Distribution of OOH ad spend broken down by asset type (billboard, kiosk, etc.) |
Display and Programmatic Advertising KPIs | Out-of-home programmatic percent spend | The percent share of OOH ad spend broken down by industry |
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