On today's podcast episode, we discuss what was behind the impressive first half of the year growth in out-of-home (OOH) advertising, how the medium is different from before the pandemic, the benefits of OOH TV, and what we can expect from the next few years. Tune in to the discussion with host Marcus Johnson and analyst Yory Wurmser.
| Sep 3, 2024
Email is a leading marketing tactic for B2B. Some 36% of B2B professionals use email for B2B marketing, more than have implemented paid social, virtual events, and video marketing, according to Sagefrog. Despite its popularity, email marketing will account for just 0.2% of US digital ad spend this year, for a total of $667.3 million, according to our forecast.
| Feb 15, 2023
On today's episode, we discuss whether it's time for Google to spin off YouTube, how people feel about targeted ads, what consumers think about using AR to shop, what an in-car TikTok app might look like, the US Supreme Court examining Section 230, paid health leave in the US versus the world, and more. Tune in to the discussion with our analysts Blake Droesch, Evelyn Mitchell, and Paul Verna.
| Mar 2, 2023
That has a major impact on B2B advertisers in particular, who tend to buy on news media, Kohl said. Ads aired next to misinformation and disinformation are a risk for brand safety, which Zucker believes could curtail the usual surge in advertising on news platforms. “This year, I think people are really worried about brand safety when it comes to the news environment,” she said. 3.
| Mar 1, 2024
So this chart here shows that I think there was our eMarketer e-commerce survey found 26% of US adults pay for Walmart+ membership. For Amazon Prime, it's over 65%. So that's quite a massive gap, and Walmart's going to have to do a lot of legwork to catch up, especially when you consider the share of e-commerce sales that they have.
| Sep 6, 2024
There are plenty of areas where Amazon could focus and squeeze more market share out of these e-commerce categories. Home improvement is certainly one of those categories. We saw it really did well during the sort of DIY revolution during the pandemic when everybody was fixing up their homes.
| Mar 29, 2024
We start with our senior analyst who covers everything retail and e-commerce. He's based in New York, the city. It's, of course, Blake Droesch. Blake Droesch (01:31):. Hello, everyone. Marcus Johnson (01:32):. The other two gents that we have on today's episode, we have our vice president of content. He covers everything advertising, media, and technology. He is Paul Verna. Paul Verna (01:42):.
| Jul 26, 2024
B2B marketers will increase spending on third-party data through 2024, but at a much slower pace than during the pandemic due to privacy regulations and economic conditions.
| Jan 20, 2023
I feel like they're bridging the gap between B2B and B2C and helping bring more awareness to this space. So, that is an area where I think we're going to see a lot more movement. It makes sense. I mean B2B marketing can be incredibly stale. We're in this moment where the B2B buyer is getting younger.
| Oct 12, 2024
Heads up our Retail & Ecommerce desk based in New York City, it's Suzy Davidkhanian. Suzy Davidkhanian :. Hello. Thanks for having me. Marcus Johnson:. Hello there. Someone else who also lives in the City, our principal analyst who covers everything retail media, it's Sarah Marzano. Sarah Marzano:. You remembered where I live. Thanks for having me. Marcus Johnson:. I did. Did I not used to remember?
| Aug 16, 2024
In today’s episode, host Bill Fisher is joined by Paul Briggs, Man-Chung Cheung, and Carina Perkins to discuss the broadcast winners of the Paris Games, how Olympic viewing habits are changing, and what to keep in mind when advertising during the event.
| Aug 26, 2024
Key stat: 85% of B2B data decision-makers were using or considering using data clean rooms (DCRs), according to Ipsos on behalf of the Interactive Advertising Bureau. DCRs will likely become essential for the privacy-compliant advertiser, but there are hurdles to widespread adoption, including a high cost and a need for specialized data scientists. Watch the full Tech-Talk Webinar.
| Jul 5, 2023
AI is taking over the world, of course, but sustainability is something that's becoming an ever-increasing consideration for digital advertisers, for retailers in e-commerce, and the broader tech industry. Google has been in the spotlight recently.
| Jul 19, 2024
On today's podcast episode, we discuss how physicians are thinking about AI, the specific problems in healthcare that AI is trying to solve, and what it should never be used for in the space. Tune in to the discussion with host Marcus Johnson and analyst Rajiv Leventhal.
| Sep 5, 2024
That’s tougher for B2B companies with longer sales cycles that require more investment up front. VCs are looking for opportunities with earlier ROI. It’s not just, “Hey, cool, you have hundreds of thousands of customers.” Now they’re asking, “How is that actually moving into revenue?”.
| Oct 27, 2022
I mean, I am not talking about people who are just posting on TikTok shop, for example. But the people who are really looking to make a living out of this, they are serious about it. Rob Rubin (20:24):.
| Jul 15, 2024
That’s tougher for B2B companies with longer sales cycles that require more investment up front. VCs are looking for opportunities with earlier ROI. It’s not just, “Hey, cool, you have hundreds of thousands of customers.” Now they’re asking, “How is that actually moving into revenue?”.
| Oct 25, 2022
Tailored to your unique retail and e-commerce businesses, these one-on-one sessions provide a deeper understanding of the most relevant and timely research of affecting your growth goals. Visit insiderintelligence.com/analystaccess to find out how you can book interactive presentations on retail media, CPGs, and more. Jenna McNamee:. Incumbent banks especially.
| Jun 26, 2023
As the only B2B social network among a raft of higher-profile, consumer-facing ones, LinkedIn tends to fly under the radar. That obscures the Microsoft-owned service’s recent growth and prospects for the next two years, which are better than those of most other companies we measure.
| Dec 13, 2022
Meanwhile, brands are taking steps to integrate other interaction technologies with the martech stack, such as loyalty platforms, ecommerce sites, and even ad tech solutions. Digital transformation initiatives. Many brands that relied on offline channels for communication and commerce were forced to rapidly embrace digital transformation when the pandemic hit.
| Sep 22, 2022
On today's podcast episode, we discuss why Amazon is pulling back from "Just Walk Out" technology, how the Atlantic magazine turned things around, what will ignite TV shopping, whether LinkedIn testing TikTok-like videos is a good move, what science says about how to be happy, and more. Tune into the discussion with vice president of content Suzy Davidkhanian, analyst Evelyn Mitchell-Wolf, and vice president of Briefings Stephanie Taglianetti.
| Apr 19, 2024
And it's also rising in terms of bringing in B2B and B2B influencers in particular. So it really is growing and much more beyond its roots as being a professional network where people can search for jobs, for example. Marcus Johnson:. That's what we've got time for for this episode. Jasmine, thank you so much as always for hanging out today. Jasmine Enberg:. Thank you for having me. Marcus Johnson:.
| Nov 6, 2023
It's worth noting that if you look at this market in terms of like B2B publishers, if you are a B2B company that has a product that you're selling for let's say $120,000, you want a very vetted customer coming to you.
| Apr 2, 2024
| Mar 16, 2023
Source: ON24; Market2Marketers
| Aug 9, 2022
Source: YouGov; Centre for Economics and Business Research (Cebr); Shieldpay